The story of a boy living with Type 1 and his family's journey to raise and train a diabetic alert dog.
Monday, July 11, 2016
When Your Service Dog Pukes in Public
I’ve run through a lot of scenarios of what could go wrong while working Bo in public but puking is not one of them. So when I got Austin’s text today that read, “He puked,” all I could think to ask was if he handled it okay. I didn't get a reply from Austin but I talked to him after class. He told me there was a lot of puke and the teacher called the janitor to clean the mess. (How fortunate for him. He gags at picking up Bo's poop.) According to Austin, his classmates didn't hear or see Bo get sick. Austin said Bo didn't break place or make noise. And, despite an upset stomach Bo did his job and alerted Austin to a high of 170 during class.
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