This morning Bo missed an alert. He was lying on my bed as Austin slept nearby. He showed no signs of smelling a low. He sat at my side on the bed as I prepared Austin's meter for checking. The test strip sucked up the blood droplet and the meter read 87. This is a number within Bo's reward threshold. I looked at him for signs of smelling the low (i.e., air scenting, sniffing vigorously, staring intently at me) but he showed no signs.
What did I do? I used it as a training opportunity. I cued him to 'go sniff' Austin and I told him 'he's low.' He then started alerting. I cued him 'off' the bed and prompted him to 'show me low.' He pawed me and bowed at my feet. I called him with me to get Austin a juice box and I cued him to 'take juice' and bring it to Austin in bed.
Why he missed this alert could have been due to any number of reasons. (i.e., Austin's blood sugar may have been trending up. The technology we use to measure Austin's blood sugar is allowed at +/- 20 point margin of error. His full belly from breakfast may have left him content and unmotivated to work.) I don't know for sure the reason; what I do know for sure is we always check on a schedule regardless of his alerts. There have been times when he has caught a high or low that we would have missed and, like today, there are times when we catch a low or high that he misses. This is one of the many reasons we are called a team.