The story of a boy living with Type 1 and his family's journey to raise and train a diabetic alert dog.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

High Value Food Rewards

When I started training with Helen, she taught me about high value rewards.This morning as I was trimming Bo’s nails, Bo reminded me of what I was taught. You see, I treat Bo with treats and peanut butter when I trim his nails. Today, I only grabbed the treats. I clipped a few nails and after getting a treat after each nail, he got off his Kurunda cot and left me to go in the bedroom. I didn’t say anything to him because nail trimming is always on his terms. Once he was in the bedroom I went to get the peanut butter. When I opened the jar he came back out. I’m convinced the low value treats were not worth the nail trimming. If he is going tolerate getting his nails cut, it’s going to be for high value food. I love this pup.


  1. I switched to using a Dremel for nail trimming and my 3yo German Shepherd immediately lies down for a pedicure. What's even more amazing is that my 13yo mutt, who never let me trim her nails, now volunteers for her trim. I bought my tool at Lowe's

  2. Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it. :)
